Contractor Procurement Process Begins

Windermere Steamboat Museum has begun the procurement process to award the main contract for the £13.4 million HLF funded redevelopment project.

The OJEU notice has been published online open to all contractors in the European Union. The first stage of the procurement process consists of a pre qualification questionnaire, from this a shortlist will be selected and invited to tender later this year. The deadline for submission of PQQs is 28 April 2014.


OJEU stands for the Official Journal of the European Union (previously called OJEC - the Official Journal of the European Community). This is the publication in which all tenders from the public sector which are valued above a certain financial threshold according to EU legislation, must be published. The legislation covers organisations and projects that receive public money. Organisations such as Local Authorities, NHS Trusts, MOD, Central Government Departments and Educational Establishments are all covered by the legislation.

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  • © Carmody Groarke