May 2011
We are delighted to receive the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund who have granted us a first-round pass and development funding of £494,000, towards a bid for £7.4m. Following the RIBA competition in 2011, the Trust is working with Carmody Groarke and the project team to develop the plans for the new museum and the full application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.
We have launched a major fundraising campaign to raise the £2.5 million required as matching funding for this bid. We will initially be making individual approaches to ask for support and will be pleased to hear from anyone is interested in this unique collection of boats and would like to make a donation or sponsor part of the project, such as the restoration of a particular boat or an aspect of the new building, docks and conservation work.
We have also had further successes with fundraising for the conservation of Osprey with an additional £30,000 from the Charles Hayward foundation and the Association of Industrial Archaeology. This will go a long way towards getting Osprey back on the water however the timetable is still dependent on the seasoning of the wood required for the restoration.